Sep 17

Powerwolf, Morbid Angel, Dimmu Borgir and Moonspell

Powerwolf Demonic Satanic Awesomeness HentaiPowerwolf – Nothing But a Bunch of Vampires and Werewolves!

Oooo…. my!! Well isn’t this a wonderful find for the day! Ran across these guys while listening to the Samael album “Reign of Light”, shared it with my SEO guy and he about flip his shit too. It’s been awhile since I really jammed out some epic power metal. I’m actually wondering why the hell I never heard of these guy before. But today is going to be all about the goodies of the past. Starting with Powerwolf – “We Drink Your Blood”… My story will be in song today. Learn some bands I was down with and in most parts am still down with today. Enjoy the ride down my goth metal side! … If you want to know me more, these things, you must know.

Morbid Angel Black Goth Metal Music Hentai Fun GamesYeah, what’d you think of that? Epic right? Love that shit, lets move on this next song, it’s a song that’s close to my heart, I use to wait all night while watching MTV at night until either Beavis and Butthead came on, or this song by Morbid Angel – God of Empiness… Being a little girl watching this on a small black and white TV at night scared the shit out of me in a so wonderful way! Until this day, I can sing this song to the letter! Enjoy.

Nasty Dimmu Hentai GamesAnd now, next down this dark abyss of gothic horror, we have some that is a bit different, but none the less touches the heart in a special kind of way. But I thought it was funny what my SEO buddy said about this song (because were chillin on Skype), he said that this songs beginning would be a perfect Batman metal song! Hmm.. I think he’s right, I can hear the epic Batmanness. Enjoy Dimmu Borgir – Progenies of the Great Apocalypse!

Nothing but Moonspell Hentai PornNow here is another, oh, oh so very special carnage I have for you. Moonspell, these guys I got to meet on a Samael tour, although Samael was not with them, they were suppose to be. I got to go back stage because of my hook ups with Vorph from Samael. These guys fucking rock and they are as dark and epic as they come. Smash your face into the wall and give them a round of applause as they tell you a story of the world coming to the end and facing redemption from the white faced bitch of hell and eternal suffering! You fucked up world, time to pay the price.

Sep 02

ATB – Trilogy

Epic Music by ATB for Porn GamesATB – Trilogy

I was introduced to these guys several several… many many.. long time ago. Since then I was always into ATB, he’s fucking awesome. I love these tracks. In fact when training I a lot of the time jam these guys. When I do my visualizations I totally use these guys for climbing Chomo-lungma, I’ll let you figure out what that means on your own. If you even care. But I’ve attracted a lot of awesome circumstances about ways to train and eat and who to go with. Any plans for this in the near future? Nope, I’m not in a hurry with this one. It’ll happen, but it will happen when the time is right to do it! Being I’m in Japan, if it happens within the next couple years, well I’m just a leap skip and a jump from base camp! Believe it or not I started this journey thanks to my SEO guy. Funny right?

Hmm maybe this will give you more of a hint: Edmond Hillary and Tenzig Norgay… yeah? Did I get some hits that time?

What is the highest mountain in the world?Maybe that gave it away? Either way I used this to climb Mt. Rainier and that was fucking intense, but that was 3-4 years ago now. Until then, I’ll keep training and building my mental and physical till that day comes I suppose. So I guess I already told you a story for the day didn’t I?

Washingtons Highest Mountain Mt RainierWell maybe I can figure out something else out to tell you.. Hmm, what should it be?

Ah okay, how bout this one. I don’t kill spiders, ever. Well, shit happens sometimes, but I don’t kill insects in my house, I simply let them out. The reason I started this was when I was a kid I had a ‘boy’ friend, as in an actually friend that was a boy, and we would catch spiders and put them in a cage and watch them fight… Was pretty cool and I learned a lot about spiders doing it. But I found that after catching them with my bare hands they are not as evil as most people try to make them.

Super Cute Spider くもはかわいい

これはくもはとてもかわいいですよ ーCute Spider!

But I also found out that when people kill spiders and other insects inside their home, they are doomed to constantly be fighting them off and more and more will show up. It’s basically, ‘what you resist, persists!’ and honestly, it’s true. When I let them out, be it an ant, beetle or spider, they seem to come in small doses and later down the road I firmly believe that they are more so protectors of the house then a nuances!

But don’t worry, you can just pretend I’m some psychotic chick that doesn’t know anything because I own porn sites. I’m sure that’s what you might do any way… right? Hah!

Go ahead wake up and be epic, more is happening around you then you’ll ever know, so keep scrapping the paint off your old life and merge into a new paradigm, but never stay there, keep moving, keep considering new things.

Nothing is true in this post, but it’s the way things are 😉

-Elli Sanders

Part 1:

Part 2:

Sep 01

Sizzle Bird “Wonderland”

Kumamoto Wonderland JapanSizzle Bird “Wonderland”

I really thought this was a pretty awesome song under Arctic Empire’s Chillstep compilation. So I went and found out the individual song name. But what I thought was really super cool was that I found a version with a picture that is very familiar to me. The background is what I used on What’s different is the samurai chicka is not in the picture like Genki Hentai’s main theme background.

It really drives home some super feel goods! I dig this song and you will too, or I’ll be at your door with an ice pick and I’ll make you like this song! ^_^ nah, nah.. but I’m serious.

So, enough of that, how bout a story? Lets see, my first car I bought when I was 17 years old was a Dodge Viper ’96, I bought it free and clear for $27,000 from a guy living in Pueblo, Colorado. It was a sexy ass bitch, I gave it to my girlfriend Leti because honestly I hate driving and well I’m in Japan anyway, but here is a picture that resembles the Viper I had.

Dodge Viper 96 Sports CarThis all happened around 2002-2003. Really exciting, never was much for cars, still ain’t, but hey. I thought it was a pretty bitchin car to drive up to my events. Everyone was cool about it, as no body ever fucked with it, keyed or anything, still in great shape even to this day!

Aug 30

Feel Your Dreams and Amplify Them – Chillstep

Law of Attraction Feel Your Dreams Porn GamesFeel Your Dreams and Amplify Them

So I came across this baby by the Artic Empire guy on youtube and I’ve been really digging a lot of his stuff lately.. Obviously. Super good stuff. But since this set mix didn’t have a title like the others, I thought I’d give it a name. So I immediately thought of it.

“Feel Your Dreams and Amplify Them”

(My favorite track is at 57:23… HAVE FUN!)

This statement is a one two punch needed for creating the life you so want to live! You can not have what you desire in need. You must come to your dreams as it feeling as if it’s already being accomplished or is accomplished at this very moment. The excitement of your dreams coming true is what needs to happen when you are looking to create something grand in your life. Just think of it like this, a dream is great training ground for understanding life, it’s immediate gratification. Life just has buffers of time.

When you are in your dream and you are flying, you fly and go where ever you want, you’re having a blast. Then you realize your flying. You ‘realizing’ your flying is your doubt. Realization in certain foundations of your life can be like the same thing as realizing your flying in a dream. Because what happens most of the time when you realize this in a dream?

You fall or wake up. Now lets not make this over the top, this is just in general.

So what’s the fucking point?

Using instruments like music, meditation and exciting moments to fuel your dreams is a great way to attract the life you want. I guess, in the end, I love community, I love music, so when I get to play in my events, I think about all the things I want to accomplish, and I feel them as if they are either on their way to becoming complete or being complete already. The music for me increases (amplifies) my feelings towards my goals and dreams and with that… amazing synchronizations begin and the fun wheel of attraction has started.

Music and visualization of your goals are what I believe to be some of the most powerful ways to activate your desires into reality. It even removes blocks in subconscious thought, that tells you, you can’t have that.. It removes the realization of flying, and simply lets you enjoy the ride.

So, while you listen to this. Feel your dreams, then amplify them within the music with visualizations of your dreams and goals. Then when you have a feeling to act on something, or if you have an idea. Write it down, do it, make that phone call, write that e-mail, buy that products… Just make sure you DO something. Let all this inspire you, but be proactive and reach towards your dreams!

-Elli Sanders

Aug 28

‘Coming Alive’ Chill-step Elli Style

Nothing but the best damn hentai rave chill step otaku music ever by the sanders“Come Alive” Chill Step by the Sanders

Just pretend that’s me.. because, frankly totally looks like me all focused and shit when I get to fuck with the DJs shit. I’m not too bad when I throw down. But I tend to leave it to the pros.

So here’s a story for you. About 8 years ago I did my first international event in Berlin at this place called Picknick. It was my very first out of the states event and I was there with my big brotha (not really my brother but he was my musiq spinner DJ, at the time going under the name Farlack Blue). We fucking rocked that shit so hard, sadly it was so epic a couple people OD on some fucked up shit in the bathroom.

It’s happened a couple times in my events, but overall I’ve been told less fucked up shit has happened during my career as a planner and organizer of a rave club then any other club event that’s gone international with more then 200 events under their belt.

Just thought that would be interesting tid bit. Enjoy the epic.

Aug 26

“Coming Home” Melodic Dubstep

The best damn hentai porn music to dateMelodic Dubstep “Coming Home”

Nothing better then some chill ass music. Reminds me of coming back to Japan after heading back to the States for a couple weeks. Western life seems free, but it more or less just sucks. Japan is fucking chaos, but it’s different. A different energy is present here and because of that I choose to be here instead of the States… At least for now 😉

I’ve been toning down my rave gigs with some chill ass shit like this at the end of the night. Really sets people in the mood to be chill and as fuck leaving, going back to their mundane boring lives. But in that leaving something epic in their hearts.

I’m a psychotic ass horny bitch, but I know what people want and makes them keep coming back to see me!

-Elli Sanders

PS: If you’ve not figured it out yet. Elli Sanders is diffidently not my real name… you’re silly!


May 11

Who is Elli Sanders

Photo shoot with john - meGREETINGS FELLOW PERVERT!

I am Elli Sanders and here is perverted picture I did so many years ago… Looks like my tits are still coming in. How nice.

Anyway you are here because you must be sort of like me. You’re totally into hentai or at least… a little bit right?

Here’s a little bit about me:

I’m an underground rave bitch that happens to also be a multimillionaire… I make my living by traveling the world renting industrial or commercial areas that have been recently abandoned and giving them a small chunk of change and running a weekend event rave club in these cities.

So there you know a bit about me in that respect.

I’ve had a dream of running a fairly large sized hentai based site for awhile now, which has led me down the path of having to learn how to market correctly on-line. SEO is a bitch, but it’s help me from totally destroying my hentai sites the last two times now. I use to own a few sites…

Here is the first hentai site I ever made

It’s not up anymore this is a screen shot by Way Back Machine:

and a few others that I’d rather not even share because OMG they sucked.

If you want to learn more about me, get on my e-mail list and/or ask questions around the site, I get to them eventually ^_^.

I’ll be sharing fun stuff on the blog here as well as stories and other cool stuff you might want to check out with me.

-Elli Sanders

Elli Sanders Goth Anime Character

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