Jan 20

Classroom Cheaters

um classroom cheaters hentai flash gameClassroom Cheaters Hentai Sim Dating Game

This game begins with two people talking about needing to give a chick a special hairpin in order to protect her. After giving it to her, you then see her in her bra and panties sitting on her bedroom floor with her legs spread. There is a pencil button that will change the graphics of the pencil on the ground on the right hand side of the screen. You can also change her hairstyle by clicking the hair button. There are little pink bubbles that trail the cursor, and chicks boobs bounce quite often in general. From here you can go outside or to the bathroom and you can also sleep or study. If you try to go outside, the chick will say that she does not want to go outside and should be studying. If you select bathroom, she will go shower. If you select sleep, she will go to sleep and wake up with an angry friend in her room telling her that she missed the first day of school. If you select study, you can select it numerous times until her angry friend comes and wakes her up. Then when you select the bathroom option, both her and her friend will take a shower together. This is a game with a lot of options for places to go and you also are to do a lot of different socializing. Very good complex game. For more spank hentai girl games visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Prima Ballerina

prima ballerina 3d hentai flash gamePrima Ballerina Hentai Sim Dating Game

This game is a typical lesson for passion game where a chick who is a devoted girlfriend works to build up her desire through her interactions and in the end either has enough desire to go all the way with her boyfriend or the game ends. Technically she and her girlfriend both have auditions for a big ballerina role and depending on your choices you may have the opportunity to get the position but you may compromise her relationship with her boyfriend. For more the hentai flash list visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Sim Girls

sim girls updated hentai flash gameSim Girls Hentai Sim Dating Game

First you can pick one of four different guy’s. You can be a bad guy, a fun guy, an intelligent guy, or a standard guy. After going to school, I left and met a chick from the future who is there to manipulate a playboy’s DNA because in the future he has 100 babies and triggers overpopulation. She shoots him with her DNA GUN then you can select the levels of his charm, intelligence, and strength, then he will wake up.

For those who like to cheat see below 🙂


This is a very complex game where you can increase your skills and your energy decreases so you have to sleep often and days progress every time you sleep. In this game you earn money by doing certain things, I am not quite certain what those are, but if you go “downtown” there you can collect your money for the various jobs. You might like our puzzle and quiz hentai games here.

Elli Sanders

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Tomoko Saeki
November 21
Car: Carrera GT
Movie: Love Generation
Song: Blurry Eyes
Colors: Red, Blue, Black, Pink
Food : Sushi
Dad Works: Ecophobia Games
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Tall: 163cm
Blood Type: AB

Kotomi Takanashi
Phone Number: 866-731-8410
Birthday: August 29
Her mom works at: MIScom
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Car: 360 Spyder
Favorite Song: You and Me
Favorite Colors: Black, Red, Brown, Yellow
Favorite food: Noodles
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Waist: 53
Breast: 84
Hip: 83
Weight: 43 kg
Height: 155 cm
Blood Type: O

Extra money and high stats
Enter testbug as a name to get $99,999 dollars and high stats.

How to get special item
You can get special items or puzzles from dates by dating tomoko you will get puzzles by dating kotomi you will get special items date them in place to place so that you can get not the same item

Easy way to make money
To make money early on, have your character have full intelligence. Then work as a tutor to make the maximum amount of cash.

How to build time machine
These are the items you need in order to complete the time machine for Ami:

Coffee (20)
Diamonds (5)
Flowers (10
Handkerchief (20)
Medicines (10)
Teddy Bears (10)

Hidden fight mode for free relation ship points
To get free relationship points without too much work, go to the pub, click “Easy”, then click the 2nd option. There is not anything there, but if you click it you will fight the 2 enemies that are trying to take your girl.
Repeat this at least twelve times and you should have 6,000 relationship points.

When your fighting hit the tab key ban then punch to the head

Real ending
To get the real ending on the real game, enter 105783 .

How to get Tomoko in a couple days
Follow these instructions:
First, pick the casual guy.
Then enter testbug as a name. (to get $99999)
Get 28 charm. *that’s the max*
Next, go to school and talk to Tomoko.
Go to the mall and buy necklaces all the way until you have a couple thousand left.
Then go to the pub, press space.
The next day, go to school and ask Tomoko her name. (the hot one!)
~Level upp!~
Then give her a necklace.
Ask her phone number.
~Level upp!~
Give her a necklace.
Ask her Birthday.
~Level upp!~
Then take her on a date, make her as happy as possible. When she gets all blushy give her a kiss.
~Level upp!~
Now you are boyfriend and girlfriend!
Then make her happy end the date, and she will give you a piece to the puzzle. yaaaay.
The next day go to school and keep giving her necklaces, until you don’t have anymore.
Go to the mall and get a couple more gifts, necklaces, flowers.
After go to her house and press ask, and then it will say, �Lets do something � H � � Then she will be like, omg, blah, blah… and then just make her happy.
Give her the rest of your gifts. And just make her happy. Pretty soon you will become ~loverrrs~ and have sex.

Unlimited energy
Go downtown and select model’s manager you must be close friends with some one to go in.
next select any of the 4 girls then leave the place than your energy should boost up by 20 you can do this as many times a day that you want

however if you go on a date your energy will drain all the way down to 0
this will also happen if you are busted by the cops selling drugs it is best for raising stats and making money at jobs and the best part you could even finish the time machine in 1 day

Inventory Items
Key Items
Home Key = Access to Home
Smartphone = Communication Device
Scouter = ‘Unknown’
– Home Key and Smartphone are Initial Items. The Scouter is obtained after a successful date with Tomoko in Space Trip.

Time Magazine = Raises Max Knowledge to 300
Fitness Magazine = Raises Max Strength to 300
Fashion Magazine = Raises Max Charm to 300
– Obtained after successful dates with Kotomi in Blue Mountain, Hot Beach, and Golden City.
Wage Items
Eyeglasses = Tutor’s wage is tripled.
Knuckles = Drug Dealer’s wage is tripled.
Fragrance = Salesman’s wage is tripled.
– Obtained after successful dates with Tokomo in Blue Mountain and Hot Beach for the Glasses and Knuckles. Perfume is obtained after a successful date with Kotomi in Sleeping Forest.
Special Items
Necklace = Special Item
Golden Belt = Special Item
Trophy = Special Item
– The Necklace is a plot-related item and cannot be missed. Golden Belt is obtained after defeating Bloody King in a fight. Trophy is obtained after beating Ryuji in a Swim Meet.

Tips & Tricks
Best Gifts for Each Location
Sleeping Forest/Blue Mountain = Flowers
Ocean Restaurant/Hot Beach = Teddy Bear
Golden City/Space = Diamond Ring
Tomoko’s Birthday Event
– Remember to have Tomoko at exactly “close friend” status if you want to follow her during her birthday event. It will not work with a lower or higher relationship status.

Jan 20

Nite with Kelly

nite with kelly lesson for passion hentai flash gameNite with Kelly Hentai Sim Dating Game

The home screen has two options: start playing with Kelly, or seduce young Becca which takes you to their website. This game is another lesson of passion game where depending on your choices throughout the game, you will be brought to 1 of 4 different endings. If you follow after Kelly after all of the story, then the game will instantly be over. Otherwise you can grab her bag that she left by the pool and take it to her and she will only think you are a attentive pervert or simply kind depending on what action you choose in the locker room and the game will continue. If you choose to interrupt her while she is topless, she will think you are a pervert. But if you wait, she will think that you are kind. Then after being stood up by an online date, and meeting Kelly in a sexy red dress, you can talk to her as if she is your date for the night, or pause and observe the scene. If you treat her as your date, when her date appears, she will think that you are weird and pretend not to know you and leave. If you wait and observe, she will notice you and explain to her date that you returned her forgotten bag and you will be able to give them some courteous wine or try and get her phone number. If you ask for her number she will think that you are rude. If you send them some wine she will think you are a gentleman. Then, in the parking lot, her car alarm is going off and she dropped her keys. If you simply offer her a ride she will think that you are stupid for not thinking things through and wanting her car alarm to endlessly go off. If you pick up her keys, she will think that you are adorable and you will get to have dinner with her. Then you will select choices and click to please Kelly and eventually have sex on the balcony and he will cum on her ass. For more pervert quality hentai visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Secrets of Heaven

secrets of heaven lesson for passion henati flash gameSecrets of Heaven Hentai Sim Dating Game

This is a lesson for passion game set in the future. What I get from the dialogue is that there are different classes of people A, B, and C. A class people are the highest class. A “C class” guy wakes up with an “A class” chick in his apartment taking a shower. Neither of them remember anything about the previous night. There is a percentage in the upper right hand corner which the goal is to get it to maximum. You do so by the options you choose of what to do or say to the chick named Heaven. I did not notice a difference in either response to her having a gun. When giving her painkillers, it will drop her percentage 20% if you try and exchange a kiss for the painkillers, but if you simply give them to her it will increase 10%.

As for Justice, asking about her duties will decrease her percentage by 10%. Asking if you can be nicer will increase it 10%. In order to get her to leave you will need 200 credits, you start out with 50 credits. If you leave and head down main street, a buddy named Trouble will be there. Asking him about Resistance decreases his percentage. When you ask him about the money he owes you, he gives you something to deliver. Then you find out that “you” and the Heaven chick both took a drug that blocks short term memory. Asking Sin what such a classy chick is doing in the club makes her percentage increase, but asking to hang out decreases it. If you give Trouble his share of the money he will tell you about another job.

After paying the guard to leave and escorting Heaven home, as long as you do not ask to see her apartment or for compensation, she will offer you the opportunity to go inside with her. After kissing her and warming her up, she will jump right on top and start having sex. The dude will cum on her chest then the chick will go take a shower. After finding a disk under the couch, officers come in and arrest both of them. That is one of four endings. For more the hentai good cartoon visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Sex Date with Paula

my sex date paula 3d hentai flash gameSex Date with Paula Hentai Sim Dating Game

This game has really good 3d realistic graphics. This game involves making the correct choices. First you have to be chivalrous and kiss her hand then smile when she compliments your place, then you have a whole list of options. You can offer her champagne, ask if she likes strawberries, offer her seafood, gently touch her face, ask if she is single, try to kiss her lips, ask what she does for a living, ask her what she like to do for fun, ask her about her family, or invite her to the sofa. She likes champagne, and strawberries, but she does not like seafood, likes when you gently touch her face, but doesn’t like being asked if she is single or if you try to kiss her. She likes telling you what she does for a living and for fun, but she does not like being asked about her family. Then depending on her mood when you ask her to sit on the sofa, she will either accept or deny and the game is over if she denies. Then you have options to put a hand on her thigh, touch her face and kiss her, hold her hands, look at her boobs, try to kiss her knee, say that she looks like a million dollar girl, ask her to suck her finger, smell her hair, and ask her if she is ready for more. She likes if you put a hand on her thigh and hold her hands and touch her face and kiss her, but she does not like to be told that she looks like a million dollar girl, or to be asked to suck her finger. She also likes when you look at her boobs, but not when you try to kiss her knee or smell her hair. Then when you ask her if she is ready for more, it depends on how much you irritated her if she will agree or if the game will be over. Then if you do well by only selecting the first few options, she will then allow you to slowly undress her, but she does not like her ear licked or nipple sucked. Then once she is completely undressed you have a list of options again. You can ask her to suck your finger, lick her boobs, play with your finger with her belly button, finger her pussy, ask her to lick your balls, ask her for a foot job, try to put a finger inside her ass, and ask her if she is ready for more. She likes sucking your finger, and when you lick her boobs, but she does not like when you finger her belly button. She likes it when you finger her pussy but will not lick your balls. She will gladly give you a foot job but does not like her ass fingered. I tried asking if she was ready for more instantly and it took me to a screen where I could ask for a blowjob or a tit job. Then after whichever you choose, she will fuck him and you can glide the screen upwards or downwards to get the full picture from her head to your cock. Then when he is going to cum, you can ask her to cum riding your dick or ask her about anal. She does not like being asked about doing anal. If you ask her to cum while she rides you, you will then be able to pull out and cum on her belly or face. Then as things wrap us you have a few more conversation options to choose. Then you will either have had an Armageddon date, epic disaster, bad date, nothing special, enjoyable moments, a date to remember, or an ultimate date. For more premium hentai visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Ryan Blender

ryan blender detective hentai flash gameRyan Blender Hentai Sim Dating Game

This is a lesson for passion game involving a rich chick whose husband is out of town and reports a stolen painting to a bored detective. She is accusing her gardener, but too many things seem suspicious. This is a game where you have a map with certain areas that you can go to get information and help damsels in need. At the boardwalk, there is a chick who broke her car key and you offer to help her find someone who can fix it for her. Ar Joe’s bar you can ask him about the accused gardener as well as the broken key. The $100 you could have asked for in advance from the woman is used to fix the car key. When you return the key to the chick, you can just give it to her or tell her you will mail it to her once you receive payment. She will start to get frisky once back at the office since she has no money. You can still deny her and simply give her the key. If you start rubbing her thigh, she will give him a blowjob, then you can have him cum on her tits, or throw her back onto the chair where they will start to fuck. He will get to cum inside her and also get her number, if you chose to juice on her tits you will also get her number. After talking with Joe about Mario, the accused gardener, he will tell you that he saw the lady go into the basement and that area will open up. You can also go to the beach and find your ex who cheated on him with two black dudes and she will ask you to get her a drink then she will show her tits and you have the option to grab them and have an intimate moment. In the basement you can use the flashlight that was in the office. After finding the stolen painting in the basement, the chick appears and tells you that she is being blackmailed and will do anything for his help. She takes him upstairs and gives him a blowjob then ask you to help her get rid of the blackmail against her and she will give him so much more than a blowjob. You will find Howard at Joe’s bar, but you will need help with him. You can go back to the beach and convince his ex-wife to help in exchange for a threesome with a Mexican gangster. After grabbing Howard’s phone you can then talk to Mario about the threesome then go to either Jasmine’s place or to Blue’s. She will be blindfolded and she will suck Mario’s dick while her ex-husband fucks her ass like he always wanted to when they were married. If you chose to go to Jasmine’s for a threesome, the game will end before you can go to Blue’s. You can also end the game shortly by arresting Mario after talking with him rather than telling the lady that you need to investigate more. Another ending would be to arrest the woman after discovering the painting in the basement. Also if you reject her proposition she will get arrested and the game will be over. If you go through all of the trouble to get the chick the phone with the blackmail and return to her instead of the threesome, the game will end after simply giving her the phone. I would say that the threesome is the better deal in this game. For more mobile anime flash game visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Fuck Town: Maids Seduction

fuck town maids seduction henati flash gameFuck Town: Maids Seduction Hentai Sim Dating Game

This is an interesting game. You have four maids houses and a garden and a store. The first maid wants some groceries, but you don’t have any money. The second maid wants a light bulb. The third maid is willing to give you a light bulb for some ice cream. And the fourth maid is willing to give you some ice cream for some flowers and some compliments. You can go to the garden after going to her house and pick all of the flowers for her. After you give them to her, you are to click on all areas of her body in order to give her compliments. Although I failed quite miserably at giving her compliments, she still gave me the ice cream. The third maid who wanted the ice cream, also asks you to answer five questions about her. Her favorite drink is sparkling wine, she would go to the movies, she is reading gone with the wind, her favorite movie is the titanic, and she likes romantic music. You then get to have sex with her if you answer all of her questions correctly.

At the second maid’s house, you are suppose to have a conversation with her and the speech bubbles were all blank so I failed, but she still gave me $10 and strawberries. After giving the first maid her groceries, she had sex. At the end, you can see if you successfully seduced all four maids, which I only seduced two. This game has the delightful sperm bar and scattered speeds indicated by the text on the screen as similar to other fuck town games. For more fuck town hentai games visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Exposing Sexy Alicia

exposing sexy alicia hentai flash gameExposing Sexy Alicia Hentai Sim Dating Game

This game is about a male doctor with a patient who has a rash. You have to say and do the correct things in order for her to stay and continue. She is very timid and set off easily, it took me a while to figure out what to say to make her comfortable, but after a couple tries I figured it out. For more visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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Jan 20

Loving Wife or Dirty Slut

eleanor loving wife or dirty whore hentai flash gameLoving Wife or Dirty Slut Hentai Sim Dating Game

This is a story about a brunette housewife who has spent all of her husband’s money and he tells her that she must pay back most of her debt in 50 days or he will divorce her. You can go to the luxury mall, office, fashion store, flower shop, night club, or the apartment. At first you can only do things at the apartment. You can Prepare a meal for your husband Drake, put dirty dishes in dishwasher, eat, or drink coffee, or sit with Drake, Vacuum, or watch something, all taking 2-3 hours.

I went to the office after simply drinking some coffee and was the boss’ slave in order to earn the promotion. That was it since this is a demo.
You cannot wait too long before going to the office. If you refuse the boss, your husband will not want anything to do with you.
If you ask for Paige’s help, she will help you blackmail Kevin and free you from his wrath.

In order to be able to go to the other places, you need to play the full version.

For more bitchin hot hentai chicks visit the home page.

Elli Sanders

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