Amanda’s Therapy Session

amandas therapy hentai flash gameAmanda’s Therapy Session Meet and Fuck!

This game is very basic with basic 3-d graphics and an upbeat rhythm in the background. There are a few directions to help in paying the game. The game is based around a young skimpy blonde going to her therapist and talking about how she got fired because of the way she dresses. The plot is in simple white text at the bottom of the screen which is progressed by clicking the triangle to the right. Then the fun begins and the cursor turns into a target circle which you are to press, click and drag on certain parts of the chick. I clicked and held and dragged near the woman’s crotch and she spread her legs to show her panties. I also noticed in the next scene that clicking and dragging her arm would make her raise her arm enough for you to see the underneath portion of her breast. I could not figure any more out than this. Also we have the hook up of wonderful hentai games on the home page check it out. – Elli Sanders

NOTICE: Our new system is now using Ruffle instead of Flash. You need to use Chrome or Brave browser and you need to install the extension, which you can do below!

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