Tool Time Hentai Movie
This game featuring Charlie is a parody to the show Home Improvement. The tools in this show are sex toys. The first option screen has a red butt plug, a green butt plug, and a black toy. The red toy shows Charlie sucking Tim’s dick. The green butt plug is a stupid sexless scene. The black toy shows a stupid clip about Tim selling Cocaine.
The next option screen has three garden hoes. The first garden hoe shows Charlie sucking Wilson’s dick through a hole in the fence. The second hoe shows Charlie banging her ass against the fence with Wilson’s dick sticking out a convenient hole. The third is Charlie jacking off with the handle of a garden hoe and sticking it up her ass.
The last option screen has three shop vacuums. The first shop vac on the left, will show Tim putting his coke into it and it dispensing perfect lines then blowing up. The second one shows Al fucking a hole in the machine imagining it is Charlie’s mouth and he gets sucked in and blown up. The third one shows Charlie riding a shaft part of the machine then it blowing up.
Then there is a screen with three of the machines and the green butt plug for returning to the intro or three option screens. Act 1 takes you to the hoe scene, I think the text is just backwards, the one on the left is for the first act. For more Glory Hole Hentai check out this really good hentai game.
–Elli Sanders