Sex and the Inner City

Sex and the Inner City Fat Dumb Policeman Black Chick Boobs in FaceSex and the Inner City Hentai Movie

This is a romp video, like Officer Krupt. After watching a short story about trashy chicks in the hood and one of them wanting to find love, you can drag an eight ball over one of the four chicks and see different clips or you can simply skip this. If you give the eight ball to the black chick, she will ask about her singing career and be told to concentrate harder. The pregnant chick will ask if her babies will ever meet their daddy and the black chick will read that they have already met their grandaddy. If you give it to the super skinny chick on the right, she will ask if she will go to heaven and be told only if God develops a liking for crack whores. If you give it to the chick on the left, she will ask if Mr. Bug loves her and she will be asked if crack whores practice safe sex. For more ROMP cartoon videos<- click there... -Elli Sanders

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